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Examples of python requests with our residential packages are shown using the popular Requests and urllib3 libraries.

Friedrich Kräft avatar
Written by Friedrich Kräft
Updated over 2 years ago

Python Requests

In this example, we use the Residential proxy below:

This proxy is split into four parts separated by colons. We first save the proxy as a string variable, then split it into four parts at each colon (:) and then add it, with authentication, to our proxy dictionary.

proxy_string= ""

proxy_parts = proxy_string.split(":")
ip_address = proxy_parts[0]
port = proxy_parts[1]
username = proxy_parts[2]
password = proxy_parts[3]

proxies = {
"http" :"http://{}:{}@{}:{}".format(username,password,ip_address,port),

r = requests.get("", proxies=proxies)
r.status_code # 200 OK

Python urllib3

In this example, we use the Residential proxy below:

This proxy is split into four parts separated by colons. We first save the proxy as a string variable, then split it into four parts at each colon (:) and then using the ProxyManager function in urllib3 we add and authenticate the proxy.

from urllib3 import ProxyManager, make_headers

proxy_string= ""

proxy_parts = proxy_string.split(":")
ip_address = proxy_parts[0]
port = proxy_parts[1]
username = proxy_parts[2]
password = proxy_parts[3]

default_headers = make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='{}:{}'.format(username,password))
http = ProxyManager("http://{}:{}/".format(ip_address,port), proxy_headers=default_headers)

# Now you can use `http` as you would a normal PoolManager
r = http.request('GET', '')

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